
Posts Tagged ‘1.6.6’

Well look at Notch go, practically setting a Minecraft update schedule! I guess I’m glad that the Mojang guys all took that Gaming Friday to play Terraria (even though we were all stuck with 1.6.4), since it seems to have inspired Notch, as he admits on twitter.

Coming up in the next week or so patch 1.6.6 is planned to finish up fixing a lot of the bugs still present in 1.6.5. This includes the problem with ghosts curling up in any bed they find. Or I mean beds always claiming to be occupied. It’s not that terrible a bug, as far as things have gone in the update to the 1.6.x series, and everyone got along fine without beds fine before they were added to the game. I haven’t run into any other bugs that bother me as of yet, other than some general lagginess sometimes.

The other patch we have to look forward to is version 1.7, which Notch describes as “the Adventure Update“. He doesn’t elaborate on exactly what it will contain, but I hear a lot of comparison to the Dwarf Fortress adventure mode. The update should make the adventure map crowd very happy, and hopefully there will be actual game mechanics enforcing the rules of adventuring. It would make building an adventure map much more attractive.

Since 1.7 is all about Adventuring I imagine that means still no pistons! Automating my gigantic wheat farm will have to continue to wait.

Happy Crafting!

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